Pspice to ltspice converter money
Pspice to ltspice converter money

IN THE SAME DIRECTORY, save the attached file IGBT.txt. Please find attached the circuit IGBT.asc. If i hear of any other way of doing this, I will let you know.

pspice to ltspice converter money

Looking at other posts, I have seen people making their own models using a MOSFET on the front end and a transistor on the back end. If LTSpice does not recognise these, no amount of trickery will overcome this. In fact it looks at first glance that you have a bunch of parameter specific to an IGBT. If you use the suffix X, it expects a subcircuit made up of simpler.model statements. Likewise with a transistor, it expects transistor characteristics to follow. If you use a suffix 'M' LTSpice expects a whole load of mosfet related parameters to follow. Does anyone know how to solve that problem. Hello, I'm getting the same problem to connect that IXYS IGBT. It is just text The 2 files you mention are PSPICE compatible, so you should be able to use them with LTSpice. You can rename the.lib file to a.txt file if it makes it easier. They are in there ******************************************* Follow my LTSpice tutorial: You need tutorial number 3: importing 3rd party models Use the.lib file and import this into LTS. I need to simulate LT6106 which is just available in LTSpice, there is a file.lib of this component, but when I run the simulation of the model in PSpice it has a lot of errors.

pspice to ltspice converter money pspice to ltspice converter money

Download this version of LTspice from Select the new component icon (the AND gate symbol in the toolbar), then go to the MISC directory.

Pspice to ltspice converter money