The Oromos have original and unique heritages that could take into account the whole form of life. The government and research institutions should look ways how to bolster and promote the assets of (gada) system. Seenaa Oromoo Hanga Jaarraa 20 Ffaa How To Bolster And UNESCOs inscription could overturn the business-as-usual way of handing the values of the heritage. The adoption would increase our responsibility of safeguarding and promoting the convention, the system would be a center of tourist attraction. We believe the values attached to the Gada system deserve to be safeguarded, nurtured, shared and spread across the world, said Hirut Woldemariam, culture and tourism minster, Ethiopian Herald reported.

Researchers say Gada believes in rigorous practical testing of candidates before they assume office, unlike western democracy, which relies almost exclusively on election. The young, poor and the elders are politically and economically marginalized in Western democracies. Those in power control most of the authority and wealth of the country. Researchers say western democracies are deficient in distributing power. Sara Dubee, head of the West Arsi Culture and Tourism Office, said the Oromo people have been subjected to marginalization and subjugation during the former regimes. The announcement was made during the 11th session of UNESCOs Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, held in Ethiopia. Photo: Ethiopias Oromo people made headlines around the world when peaceful protests turned violent against government land use changes, prompting a state of emergency.