Goes to show that all it takes to mint nostalgia is a catchy theme song. (who was perpetually peeved that Michael spent so much time with the ladies)! Um, okay. Not-so-vaguely autosexual relationship between Hasselhoff’s Michael Knight (who invariably only righted wrongs that happened to pretty girls) and his car, K.I.T.T.

”Knight Rider” is a relic from a simpler time, when audiences demanded less from their TV. I see the network meeting now: ”We like the ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ dynamic, good ol’ boys fighting injustice, but we’re after something a little less…what’s the word? Right, racist.” Enter Knight Rider, in which a good ol’ boy who likes country music and cowboy boots drives a fancy car - one without the Confederate flag on the roof - and fights injustice.